There is a little witch in all of us - Practical Magic The Movie

Do you get excited about the witchy ways and wish you knew how to do spells?

This excitement is about the ancient call within all women to come home to the magic of the natural world and feminine essence that patriarchy demonized resulting in the witch wound.

The Witch Wound is the fear of your feminine gifts. Your feminine birthrite to be a healer, oracle, priestess, creatrix, herbalist and anything in the relm of sorcery as they called it hundreds of years ago..

If you've had this feeling or pull to learn the witchy ways, how to connect with the moon and all the beautiful plants in nature, or if you know there is more to you than meets the eye, you're feeling the power that lies deep within that has been stuck or a little fearful of coming out of you.

If it feels a little scary to use the word witch as an identity but you want to do the spells and learn to make medicine with plants, and you just want to dive deeper into what it means to be a modern-day witchy woman - Here is your chance! This spellcrafting class & book has all you need to know to start doing authentic, safe spell work! Your course will include 6 classes and a spell book for each class! You will learn what type of witch you are, crystal grid and pentacle making. You will learn how to cast spells for love, money, psychic abiliteis and more!!

Earth Magick, Fire Magick, Water Magick & Air Magick!!

Example Curriculum

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